In today’s business environment, audit opinions within audit report play a crucial role in decision-making, particularly for organizations doing business in the United Arab Emirates. These opinions give a glance at the financial position of the organization’s compliance status and other aspects relating to the integrity of the organization’s operations. In my blogs, I take you deeper into the different audit opinions available, together with insights on their importance and their application in the UAE. Audit opinions as stated are a very important aspect for every business person, investor, or even financial expert. Analytical opinions are conclusions made by auditors after analyzing records of the financial statements and accounting policies of an organization. It is prepared by the auditor as a part of his audit report and gives the stakeholders an outside view of the company’s financial status. These opinions help in ascertaining the accuracy, completeness, and fairly of the financial reports of a company. The reasons why audit opinions are important in the UAE include the following: UAE’s legal framework and the fact that the existence of businesses largely depends on funds from abroad. The following are some of the opinions that investors, regulators, and other stakeholders use in determining the integrity of the companies’ financial statements. Hence, there is a need to demystify the various types of audit opinions as well as their meaning within the context of the financial scenario of the UAE.
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ToggleAudit opinions can be classified into four categories:
Clean opinion also known as unqualified opinion is preferable for a company since it means the Auditor has provided his strongest affirmative opinion. It means that there are no wrong figures and that the financial statements have been prepared by the guidelines of the financial reporting framework in use, for instance, the IFRS.
A qualified opinion is given when the auditor comes across one or several matters that justify a qualified opinion. However, these issues are not widespread enough that they cause an auditor to issue an adverse opinion. A qualified opinion means that certain areas of financial information are not properly reflected, but all other financial information is fairly and materially accurate.
If the financial statements of the company fail to present a true and fair picture of the company’s financial position, then an adverse opinion is given which is the strongest among all the audit opinions. It is a report released when the auditor experiences serious and widespread audit misstatements or differences in the reporting of financial statements.
An opinion of a disclaimer is used when the auditor cannot provide his or her audit report since they were unable to access enough evidence or other important information. It shows that the auditor is not in a position to give any level of assurance that the information in the financial statement is correct or dependable.
Some of the aspects that may dictate the specific choice of the audit opinion for a certain company include the following: This has a significant implication for business in the UAE because it explains the conditions that help provide a favorable audit opinion.
This is out of the scores of factors that include factors such as accuracy and completeness of financial statements. It is clear that organizations, which have a high level of financial reporting and which comply with the accounting standard, are more likely to get an unqualified opinion.
Internal controls are important in the organization to assist it in achieving accurate financial reporting. The result showed that a strong internal control risk mechanism will reduce error or fraud and thus increase the probability of receiving a favorable audit opinion.
It is also important for companies to follow the laws of the country which in this case is the UAE as governed by the Ministry of Economy and other authorities. Failure to meet these regulations results in qualified or adverse opinions.
One of the significant factors to consider is that the auditor must be independent so that the process of auditing should remain independent as well. Every company needs to make sure that the auditors do not have any vested interest in the company that is being audited so that they do not influence the results of the audit.
It may be getting affected due to the level of communication and cooperation between the company’s management and the auditor. This will include; Ensuring freedom of speech to avoid any restrictions in a way that might complicate the audit and hence lead to qualified or adverse opinion.
Audit committees being arms-length control in corporations have the responsibility of reviewing the audit and governance processes to ensure that the financial reporting process is accurate and reliable. In the UAE for example the formation of the audit committee is required for certain types of companies for instance those quoted on the stock exchange. The responsibilities of audit committees include:
It is therefore very important for an organization to seek a clean audit report and one way of doing this is to adopt a positive attitude towards financial reporting, internal controls, and compliance. Here are some best practices for companies in the UAE to consider:
This means that all the organization’s financial activities should be documented and the financial statements prepared should be in compliance with the generally accepted accounting practices including the internationally recognized IFRS to ensure reliable audit report.
Put in place working internal control measures to mitigate risks of error and fraudulent activities or non-adherence to laid down policies. Ensure that from time to time internal control check is conducted and revised if there are any loopholes or changes that may have happened within the business organization.
Promote transparency as well as accountability within the organizational culture. Encourage ethical practices and make it clear to the employees that integrity in presenting the company’s finances is of paramount importance.
Encourage free interaction with auditors at all the audit stages. Make sure that the auditors have all the information they need and fully cooperate if there is a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed.